January 22, 2024


سرنوشت را باید از سر نوشت

شاید این بار کمی بهتر نوشت 

عاشقی را غرق در باور نوشت 

غصه ها را قصه ای دیگر نوشت

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

January 11,
I was in hell, I brok in tears, until I felt I couldn't breath anymore... It feels horrible you live with ppl who don't love you. Horrible, until I couldn't take it and I texted him and asked him to tell me at least he loves me ... even from afar, even now...

January 22 I was calm, happy, got the energy I needed.

January 24th, evening, trying to have a normal night with my family, he is in the meeting and when he is out of his room he is busy with other stuffs, not even talking a few words! my daughter is playing game while tomorrow has an final math exam! and when I tell her to stop ,she gets angry and going to her room and shutting down the door... Why? What is wrong with me and my life that I have to leave with these unemotional ppl?! Maybe my daughter is normal given she si a teenage, but I dotn have much energy to be a good calm single mom....