June 22, 2024


Finally, it is over, 

This time for good!. 

Thanks to You for giving me all the reasons, so I could finally letting go of this whatever it was but LOVE!

I NEVER thought I might experience this much pain and regret with you!

and obviously, I NEVER knew you well enough to find out you didn't deserve it AT ALL!

THANK YOU for cutting all the bondings tonight!

Just get out of my heart and GO TO HELL! 

I don't need your love, caring and respect! 

YES, I am angry and disappointed as you gave me all the reasons to HATE YOU MOVING FORWARD coward!


P.S. Hey Beautiful, Next time you miss him or some of your memories about this relationship, come here and read this post and remind yourself what you have gone through tonight and all the reasons got you here!!!!!



Anonymous said...

read your post from January 20, 2012 and the comments....

Anonymous said...

عاشقی باید قسمت ادم باشه
وقتی شد یهو به خودت میای و می بینی یه کسی هست که با همه برات فرق می کنه

وقتی هست,خوبی
...وقتی نیست

مهم این نیست که قهر باشین یا آشتی
مهم اینه که باشه

وقتی هم نیست جاش و هیچ کس دیگه ای پر نمی کنه