April 25, 2007

Where I end and you begin ...

"There's a gap in between
There's a gap where we meet
Where I end and you begin"
i can see you watching me all these days
but i can feel , you ' re not alive these days
i feel like a child
waiting for my books to tell you another story of my life
i feel like a child
waiting for the game you want me to play with my life

but now,I'm up in the sky
flying in my dreams
playing in my mind
but there is somethings will never wash away
and i don't know why !?...


Azadeh said...

Thanks Asal jaan

Anonymous said...

asal jan inke khaily ghashang boood.

to ham mamanet umadan? omidvaram hesabi khosh begzare va betooni az lahze lahzash lezat bebari


Baroon said...

خيلی ممنون از لطفت عسل جون . راستش من خيلی وقته همه چيز بلاگم بهم ريخته اما نه بلدم نه حوصله دارم وقت بگذارم و ياد بگيرم که چطوری بايد درستش کنم. حالا که خواستی آدرست رو عوض کنی.. منم آدرست رو توی لينکم درست کنم يا ميخوای آدرست شناخته نشده بمونه ؟
راستی من ايميلم اينه barroon@gmail.com